The Independent Schools Inspectorate
The Independent Schools Inspectorate visited Mowden on 22nd - 24th November last year, and carried out a Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection.
The Focused Compliance Inspection looks at the following areas:
Quality of education provided
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
Welfare, health and safety of pupils
Suitability of staff, supply staff, and proprietors
Premises of and accommodation at schools
Provision of information
Manner in which complaints are handled
Quality of leadership in and management of schools
The Independent Schools Inspectorate sets standards that schools must meet for all of these areas, and I am delighted to report that Mowden met all required standards.
The Educational Quality element of the inspection is graded (excellent/ good/ satisfactory/ unsatisfactory) in the following areas:
The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development
The personal development of the pupils
In both areas Mowden has been graded as being excellent. To be graded as excellent in all areas is a superb achievement, and I pay tribute to the staff who work so hard to ensure the best possible provision for the children in our care. In addition, the children conducted themselves brilliantly throughout the inspection process, and the Inspectors commented on how impressive they were. I am incredibly grateful to those of you who completed the parent’s questionnaire; the feedback you provided was universally positive; thank you for your ongoing support.
I am thrilled to share the report with you, and hope you are able to take some time to read it over the exeat. I have also shared the news with the children today, and informed them that our Prep School Ceilidh and Pre-Prep Disco have been organised to congratulate them for achieving such an excellent report for their school.
Please download the report below.
Mrs Kate Martin, Head