Head's Update
The Summer Term is now underway and we are all thoroughly enjoying being back at school. The gorgeous weather of last week was most welcome, and certainly helped us all adjust to the school routine after the Easter holiday.
Several of our pupils have recently undertaken scholarship assessments and future school interviews. Unfortunately, some of our senior schools have decided to postpone their scholarship assessments until next term, which is understandable but also disappointing for the pupils. Preparing for a scholarship takes a considerable effort, commitment and hard work. There are often numerous elements that include examinations, physical performances, preparing portfolios, and undertaking an interview. A daunting prospect for many adults; and I am incredibly proud of our pupils for being prepared to bravely commit to such a challenge.
Inevitably some children will succeed and some will not, which is life. Our children are always supported, through both success and failure, and ultimately the process is therefore a rewarding one. Children who participate in scholarships will normally spend time at their future school, meet other pupils and also the staff who will be teaching them, which definitely helps with the overall transition. They also take responsibility for their preparation which helps them gain independence and self-confidence. I know you will join me in wishing all the pupils participating in scholarships or interviews the very best.
Last Friday afternoon, I visited Pre-Prep. It was an absolute joy to see the range of different child-led activities that were going on. One group was trying to get water to a flower bed using a rubber tube. They encountered quite a few problems, but they worked together to overcome them successfully. Others were constructing, engaged in role-play, painting, building, or reading. Some were playing with trains, some with cars; the activities were many and quite diverse, but they all had a lot in common. Everywhere I looked I saw collaboration, curiosity, friendship, diplomacy, and teamwork. In addition, the children were so incredibly self-sufficient. They only really needed a member of staff to let them know when it was time to take turns on a bike or a scooter, or perhaps to help them with a tricky piece of equipment. Overall, it was a hive of purposeful and productive activity. I was also reminded several times to not go into the bright sun by some very considerate and sensible Reception children!
I highly recommend taking the opportunity to watch the Year 5 Play if you would like some entertainment over the weekend. This Play was planned, written and performed by Year 5 during lockdown, and it was filmed when the children returned to school in March.
We have been so pleased to welcome our new families to Mowden. I sincerely hope all of the children are settling into school life and enjoying their new environment.