Mowden Hall School

Leading Co-Educational Independent Prep School For Children aged 3-13 Years

Enchanting Midsummer performance by Year 6

Enchanting Midsummer performance by Year 6

How many of you adults out there performed Shakespeare at the age of 10 or 11 years old? I'm sure that the result is a small percentage of us.

When I first joined Mowden Hall in 2023, I was impressed (and daunted!) by the idea of children performing Shakespeare in Year 6. Not only that, but it wasn't optional. It is a right of passage and compulsory for Mowdenians to experience performing some of the most famous and challenging stories to an audience, soon after reaching double figures!
February 2024 saw the production of Twelfth Night, which was a real personal boost - confirmation to myself that it was possible and the results could be fantastic. This year we took on the joys of Midsummer Night's Dream, one of Shakespeare's most famous and child-friendly plays.
The current Year 6 cohort did themselves proud and it was very pleasing to chat with parents afterwards about how their child had approached and benefitted from such an experience.
I would like to end by sharing the welcome message to what proved to be an excellent production......

Welcome, welcome, one and all,
In the Harrison Theatre at Mowden Hall!
Today, we bring you love and delight,
With fairies and mishaps and magic in sight!

It’s Valentine’s Day—how fitting, how sweet,
For a tale where love trips over its feet!
With spells and potions and lovers who fight,
(But don’t worry—they’ll all be all right!)

Four young Athenians, lost in the trees,
Are tangled in magic, confusion, and pleas.
Hermia loves Lysander—that much is true,
But Demetrius loves her, and Helena too!

Then Oberon’s fairy, a mischievous sprite,
Decides to enchant them and worsen their plight.
With one drop of magic, their hearts go astray,
And suddenly love is in total dismay!

Meanwhile, the fairies are causing more trouble,
Titania and Oberon fight on the double!
A donkey-headed Bottom is caught in their game,
And his fairy queen love is really a shame!

The bumbling tradesmen, so eager to please,
Perform a great play—well… almost, at least!
Thisbe dies, and then Pyramus too,
A tragedy, yes, but you’ll laugh till you’re blue!

Our pupils have worked both day and night,
To bring Shakespeare’s world to life just right.
They’ve practiced their rhymes, their bows, their screams,
And even saying script lines in their dreams!

So sit back, relax, let the chaos begin,
With Puck, Oberon, and Bottom’s grin!
A show full of laughter, of love and of cheer,
Thank you for coming—we’re thrilled that you’re here!

Mr. P. Brooks
Head of English & Drama