Pre-Prep Christmas Time!
What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas!
We started with a festively decorated Pre-Prep and Christmas music greeting each member of the school on arrival. We have been ‘Christmastastic’ with cards, crafts, poetry, and stories. All culminating in our traditional Christmas parties.
The energy, enthusiasm, and creativeness of the Mowden team, adults and children alike, never fails to provide a brilliant time for us all. Particularly this year, it is fabulous to be around such lovely children in this lead up to what will be for all of us, a very different Christmas.
We are looking forward to our Christmas parade tomorrow! Thank you for the many tombola donations; these have been piling up in the office! It should be a wonderful experience for us all, a chance for the Mowden family to be ‘together’ and an opportunity to raise some money for our charity The Charlie Waller Trust.
The staff and I would like to thank you for all your positivity and support through what has been a term of constant change. We are delighted with how smoothly things have been running, how happy the children have been, and how well we have all coped with such difficult circumstances.
We all wish you a very merry Christmas and 2021 full of happiness and joy!
For more photos of the festivities please click here.